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Pediatric Pulmonology

Paediatric Pulmonology

Paediatric pulmonology is a medical subspecialty that focuses on studying, diagnosing and treating respiratory problems in neonates, infants, children and adolescents. These conditions encompass a wide range of respiratory disorders, including asthma, chronic cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, cystic fibrosis, and various congenital and acquired lung abnormalities.

A child’s respiratory system is much more delicate and differs from adults. Paediatric pulmonologists specialise in general paediatrics with years of additional training to become a child pulmonologist. They have a deep understanding of the unique aspects of a child’s developing respiratory system, allowing them to provide special care tailored to the needs of young patients.

Poor respiratory health can really affect an individual’s quality of life. At Medcy Hospitals, we understand the unique challenges that children face when it comes to respiratory health. Our paediatric pulmonology services provide top-notch medical care for young lungs, utilising the latest advancements to effectively treat our young patients.

Common Pulmonology Conditions Among Children

Respiratory issues can develop in anyone, be it a premature newborn with breathing difficulties or an adolescent with an aerodigestive disorder. A wide range of respiratory disorders need the expertise of a paediatric pulmonologist to be treated properly.


Asthma causes mucus and lung swelling, leading to coughing, wheezing, and difficulty breathing. There can be various triggers for asthma, including smoke, dust, animals, viruses, exercise, and stress. A paediatric pulmonologist prescribes medication, inhalers, nebulisers, and allergy tests to help manage symptoms.

Cystic Fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder that leads to the production of thick mucus in the body. This mucus can block the airways and capture harmful bacteria in the lungs. It leads to recurring lung infections and difficulty breathing, especially in children. Treatment includes inhaled medications and daily at-home therapies to loosen the mucus and promote clear breathing.

Infant Apnea

Newborns may have short pauses in breathing, but longer ones are a concern. Infant Apnea is a pause lasting 20 seconds or more or causing the heart rate to slow or the skin to turn pale or blue. Paediatric pulmonologists may prescribe a monitor and medication. Babies usually improve over time; treatment is only needed until apnea stops.

Sleep Disorders

Obstructive sleep apnea can cause brief pauses in breathing during sleep, leading to low oxygen levels and waking up. Due to insufficient sleep, the child can face problems with concentration, behaviour, and daytime sleepiness. Central sleep apnea occurs when the child’s brain fails to signal their body to breathe which causes them to stop breathing.

Paediatric pulmonologists can diagnose sleep apnea and prescribe machines such as a CPAP or BiPAP to help with breathing during sleep.

Why Choose Medcy Hospitals’ Paediatric Pulmonary Services?

Our team of healthcare professionals, including paediatric pulmonologists, paediatric specialists, and support staff, are dedicated to providing round-the-clock care for your child. We ensure that their treatment aligns with their condition and prioritise their comfort and safety throughout their healthcare journey.

With a multidisciplinary approach, we ensure the diagnosis and assessment of the young patient’s condition are done in tandem with other specialists, therapists, and healthcare providers to ensure your child’s holistic well-being.

Our team is committed to providing compassionate support to the family. We prioritise your emotional well-being too. Alleviating any anxieties related to your little one’s health, we ensure you have complete knowledge of the condition, prepared treatment plans and how to care for the patient outside the hospital.

Breathe Easy with World-Class Pulmonary Treatments at Medcy

At Medcy Hospitals, your child learns to breathe easily because they can trust us to take complete care of their respiratory conditions. With world-class diagnosis and treatment facilities, our paediatric pulmonologists ensure a 360-degree treatment of all respiratory issues, ensuring the young patient can return to their fun-filled, active life as quickly as possible.

Book a consultation with Medcy Hospitals and start the journey of good pulmonary health today.



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