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Paediatrics Rheumatology

Paediatrics Rheumatology

Paediatrics rheumatology is a subspeciality of rheumatology that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatic diseases in infants, children, and adolescents. These conditions affect the musculoskeletal system, including the joints, muscles, bones, and sometimes organs, leading to a range of symptoms such as joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and systemic inflammation.

At Medcy Hospitals, we strongly believe that rheumatic diseases in children need to be addressed by a paediatric specialist who knows the unique needs and physiology of growing bodies. And so, we have paediatric rheumatologists that specialise in both paediatrics and rheumatology, handling every child with undivided care and attention.

Common Rheumatic Diseases Among Children

Rheumatic disorders can significantly impact a child’s quality of life. They usually present with musculoskeletal symptoms. Some of the most common rheumatic disorders that affect children include:

Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA)

It is the most prevalent rheumatic condition in children, characterised by chronic joint inflammation lasting at least six weeks. Symptoms include joint pain, swelling, stiffness, and limited range of motion. There are various subtypes of JIA, depending on any additional symptoms and the number of joints involved.

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)

Also known as lupus, SLE is an autoimmune condition that affects multiple organs and systems in the body, causing swelling and pain. Common symptoms include joint pain, skin rashes, fatigue, and in some cases, kidney, or neurological involvement.

Juvenile Dermatomyositis (JDM)

JDM is an inflammatory disease that primarily affects the muscles and skin. Children with this disease may experience muscle weakness, skin rashes, and, in severe cases, complications related to internal organ involvement.

Childhood Vasculitis

Vasculitis refers to inflammation of blood vessels, and when it occurs in children, it is termed juvenile vasculitis. Depending on the affected vessels, children can get skin rashes and joint pain to more severe complications involving vital organs.

Kawasaki Disease

Kawasaki disease is a form of vasculitis that primarily affects children under the age of 5. It involves inflammation of blood vessels and can lead to fever, rash, red eyes, swollen lymph nodes, and, in severe cases, heart complications.

Autoinflammatory Syndromes

These are a group of rare conditions in which the body’s immune system causes inflammation without the presence of an infection or autoantibodies. Examples include Familial Mediterranean Fever and Periodic Fever Syndromes.

Why Choose Medcy Hospitals for Paediatric Rheumatic Treatments?

At Medcy, we believe in a multidisciplinary approach to rheumatology. Our paediatric rheumatology team collaborates with other paediatric specialities to ensure each child receives personalised, evidence-based, comprehensive care.

Equipped with the latest diagnostic tools, we ensure our treatment plans are based on accurate diagnosis. Since each child and their condition is unique, our treatment addresses each patient’s individual symptoms, challenges, and objectives. 

Paediatric rheumatologists at Medcy Hospitals go beyond their medical expertise to provide a comfortable treatment experience for children. Aware of the unique aspects of caring for young patients, they communicate effectively with children, creating a nurturing and reassuring environment during treatment.

We also provide ongoing support and follow-up care to monitor their progress and ensure their optimal health over time. Whether it is medication management, physical therapy, or lifestyle adjustments, our team is committed to empowering your child to lead a healthy, fulfilling life.

Unlock a Joyful Childhood at Medcy Hospitals

We strive to approach each case with expertise, compassion, personalised care and a commitment to administering the most effective rheumatic treatments to our young patients. We alleviate your concerns by informing you about your child’s condition and treatment options, empowering you with the knowledge necessary to make informed decisions. As leaders of rheumatic care, we promise to provide top-notch treatments, striving to ensure that our young patients have a joyful, healthy childhood.

Book a consultation with Medcy Hospitals and safeguard your little one’s health today.



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